presentation | Oct 24, 2006

Internet addiction

Is there such a thing as "internet addiction"? A new survey of internet users suggests that a portion of them experience behavioral problems connected to their internet use. Lee Rainie is among the panelists on the program who discuss the findings...

report | Sep 24, 2006

The Future of the Internet II

A survey of technology thinkers and stakeholders shows they believe the internet will continue to spread in a "flattening" and improving world. There are many, though, who think major problems will accompany technology advances by 2020. A predictions...

presentation | Mar 23, 2006

Teens and technology

This is a discussion of the eight realities of technology and social experience that are shaping the world of today's teens and twenty-somethings.

presentation | Feb 14, 2006

The Future of the Internet

Lee Rainie appeared with Esther Dyson on the Kojo Nnamdi show on NPR, speaking about the future of the Internet. The program can be accessed here.

presentation | Jan 12, 2006

The Future of TV

Lee Rainie appeared on The Diane Rehm Show on NPR on January 12, 2006, speaking about the future of TV.

presentation | Nov 10, 2005

The Future of the Internet

Thought-provoking scenarios of the future regarding education and network security.

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